Alarm Systems and Operational Support

Notification and Response

The Alarm Dispatcher App notifies emergency and on-call personnel and allows them to confirm or decline their participation. Managerial staff and dispatchers can instantly see if enough personnel are taking part in the operation and, if necessary, can trigger a second alert.

Information Systems and Building Automation

The Alarm Dispatcher Box displays operational information on monitors and printers. When used in combination with Alarm Dispatcher Control it can control lighting, locking systems, and gates, and it can even forward notices from intrusion detection systems to the app.

Data Exchange Server

The Alarm Dispatcher Connect Server works on site or in the cloud as a central hub between dispatch systems, command support software, management programs, operational information systems, and much more.

Emergency Vehicle Preemption

The Alarm Dispatcher Traffic System controls traffic lights on the way to the scene in coordination with the city’s traffic management system. This reduces both the response time and the risk of an accident involving the emergency personnel.