With 130 active members and 11 emergency vehicles, the Appenweier fire department handles 100 operations a year in Baden-Württemberg. Equipped with its own breathing apparatus and hose workshop, a radio and staff room as well as our alarm dispatcher app and our alarm displays in the three equipment fire depots, the emergency services are well equipped for all operational scenarios.
The 100 members of the Jüterbog fire department in the Teltow-Fläming district have been ensuring the safety of citizens since 1873. With a total of 15 emergency vehicles, the local fire services in Jüterbog, Kloster Zinna, Neuheim and Markendorf-Fröhden are ideally equipped for their 200 operations each year. All locations have been using Alarm Dispatcher since the end of 2023. We support the emergency services with our alarm app and one alarm display in the Jüterbog fire depot.
With 20 emergency personnel in the areas of support and supply, the 1st disaster control unit of the district of Görlitz in Weißwasser has proven its effectiveness time and again in recent years. Cooperation between the Weißwasser fire department and the disaster control unit has become even closer thanks to the joint use of the Alarm Dispatcher app: disaster control units are now called to fire department operations more quickly and provide active support to the emergency services.
The Hartmannsdorf volunteer fire department near Chemnitz relies on rapid alerting with the Alarm Dispatcher app and a comprehensive range of digital fire station equipment. Whether it's a bus accident, a car fire or 6000 square meters of burning garbage in a recycling plant - since the introduction of our products, response times have been reduced and the number of emergency crews on site has increased.
With 780 members, the DLRG local group in Wolfsburg has been ensuring that bathers and water sports enthusiasts can feel safe at the Allersee in Wolfsburg since 1950. It also provides a water rescue boat team as part of the city of Wolfsburg's emergency response and is also active with its volunteers in the area of event safety and at small and large events. We support the new DLRG center with emergency monitors and all volunteer emergency services with the Alarm Dispatcher App.
With 700 operations a year, the more than 200 emergency personnel of the Sindelfingen Fire Department have their hands full. Of particular interest: the Sindelfingen fire department also uses Alarm Dispatcher in connection with special interfaces to other CRITIS. In conjunction with LoRaWAN, the Alarm Dispatcher app warns of heavy rain or the risk of flooding as soon as critical water levels are reached in the city.
Founded in 1861, the Schönheide fire department looks back on an impressive history. Today, 54 of the 90 members of the fire department are active in the operational department. We are pleased that so many fire departments from our region are using Alarm Dispatcher - and in the case of the Schönheide fire department, they have already been doing so since 2017. In addition to the deployment monitor in the fire station, the Alarm Dispatcher app has met with great approval.
The Freiherr-von-Schütz-Schule in Bad Camberg is a special school with a focus on hearing. Since 1810, the school has distinguished itself primarily through its holistic concept for hearing-impaired children and its dedicated staff. The school uses the Alarm Dispatcher app to inform its deaf teachers and staff by alerting the alarm with vibration and the flashing light of the cell phone.
Founded in 1888, the Krostitz Volunteer Fire Department now has 41 comrades who ensure the safety of citizens and 19 children in the youth fire department, who learn the basics of fire protection, technical assistance and first aid. The Alarm Dispatcher app has been providing support since 2021.
Since October 2021, the Black Forest event technology company has been securing all business premises and workshops with us. By linking Alarm Dispatcher with the smart home system, 100 smoke detectors as well as door sensors, water detectors or electricity meters are already monitored. In the event of a fault, the Alarm Dispatcher app informs employees, janitors and management.
The Oranienburg fire department north of Berlin has 280 firefighters, 30 of them full-time, 9 local fire departments and 700 operations per year. We have been supporting the fire departments since 2020 with our app alerting and deployment monitors. All local fire departments are on board and benefit from fast and reliable deployment information and feedback.
In the district of Bamberg, the Buttenheim fire department has been on duty for over 150 years. The 80 men and women are well equipped with a new HLF and 5 other vehicles, including a water delivery system that can move up to 3 x 15,000 liters per minute. With this equipment and our Alarm Dispatcher System, the 80 emergency personnel are prepared for any event.
On board since 2021, we support THW Dippoldiswalde with its 56 members in missions around the world. From operations in the Ahr valley to logistics in Jordan and earthquake relief in Haiti, THW has provided assistance in places where others would otherwise go on vacation. For the diverse missions, the Dippoldiswalde site has units for aerial reconnaissance, salvage, emergency repair, clearing and flood protection.
Founded in 1890, the fire department now has 36 active firefighters and 20 junior firefighters. The comrades can be proud of their new fire station. It offers the firefighters sufficient space for equipment, training and services. Once again, it has been shown that contacting us during the shell construction phase is an immense help when it comes to placing the monitor and building control system.
The Bad Salzungen water rescue service in western Thuringia has been using the Alarm Dispatcher Box with deployment monitor and app as a customer and close partner since 2018. Whether in winter for accidents on supposedly frozen lakes and rivers or on summer days in the open-air swimming pool: In emergencies, the volunteer task forces of the DRK Wasserwacht Bad Salzungen are immediately on the spot.
In addition to local emergency response, the Gleisberg volunteer fire department is also part of the disaster water supply platoon in the Döbeln area of Saxony. In the year, the 40 active comrades of the emergency department go out on 20 to 25 missions. Fire department Gleisberg not only uses our app, deployment tablets and monitors: some time ago, we also equipped the Gleisberg firefighting team with T-shirts.
The municipality of Oberwiesenthal attracts thousands of skiers each season. The winter fun for the tourists brings special challenges for the fire department and emergency services. Slippery snow, ski accidents and rescue after snowstorms are part of the range of operations in the winter months.
Marl is the second largest city in the district of Recklinghausen (North Rhine-Westphalia). With a population of around 87,000, the fire and rescue services have a lot to do here. In 2020, the emergency services responded to 1,100 fire calls and 10,684 ambulance calls. The Alarm Dispatcher team is happy to support the Marl Fire Department - since our direct control center connection, even much faster than the radio dispatcher.
Always ready, wherever the human senses reach their limits: the 27 animal heroes of the BRH-Rettungshundestaffel Barnim e.V.. Together with the current 33 dog handlers, the four-legged friends make a great contribution to saving human lives. Alarm Dispatcher supports the rescue dog squadron Barnim with our app, so that the emergency forces are available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
With an extensive range of operations from fires and assistance to fire safety education in kindergartens and schools, the Teutschenthal fire department in the south of Saxony-Anhalt is called upon at all levels. In 2018, its busiest year, the fire department recorded 183 operations.
The Siebenlehn Volunteer Fire Department uses the Alarm Dispatcher App with almost 30 comrades. The special feature: Our app is used on the vehicle tablet to display the location of the operation. Due to the immediate location to the highway, highway operations are also part of the tasks. The app guides the firefighters to the correct highway kilometer.
Around 20 employees are alerted to clearing work and mowing operations using the Alarm Dispatcher app. In addition, CaRdrett uses the appointment management for various company divisions - because the company also operates a rental center for construction and industry. For broadly positioned companies, the Alarm Dispatcher App is a perfect solution for informing the right employees at the right time.
In the district of Meißen, the Seerhausen and Mehltheuer volunteer fire departments built a new fire station together. We supplied two large operational monitors for the vehicle hall, app alarms and signs for the exit to warn traffic in the event of an operation. We took care of all the necessary coordination with electricians and the like.
On the Baltic Sea island of Fehmarn, almost all fire departments use the app and monitors - more than 150 firefighters on Fehmarn receive their deployment information through the Alarm Dispatcher app and can see directly which other local fire departments are also in action. This advantage is made possible by the island-wide use.
The volunteer fire department in North Saxony has been using Alarm Dispatcher since 2020. One special feature: The alarm input from multiple sources - on the one hand via radio detector and on the other hand via the IDAS of the IRLS Leipzig (Internal Data Exchange Server). Both alarms are combined in terms of content; there are no multiple triggers. The combination allows a very fast alarm triggering with a lot of information and high reliability.
The kindergarten in the municipality of Krauschwitz used the Alarm Dispatcher app during the Corona crisis: The daycare center management provides parents with daily updated info about the daycare offerings. These are transferred via app to the smartphones of the parents, who can confirm whether they have read the message. In this way, no children had to be asked to return home because of Covid 19.
The DRK KV Döbeln - Hainichen e.V. has been using the Alarm Dispatcher App to alert its rescue forces for over two years. More than 70 users from various units (emergency platoon, but also SEGs and the water rescue) are alerted with our system. The app was also used during the organization of the regional test and vaccination centers.
Every year in spring, fawns present farmers and hunting tenants with a major problem: because it is difficult to spot a well-hidden fawn from the combine harvester. To prevent fawns from dying in the clutches of mower blades, farmers receive help from the fawn rescue team. The Alarm Dispatcher app supports their operations and informs the fawn rescuers when a meadow needs to be secured before mowing.
Since 2019, the 52 emergency personnel of the Heist Fire Department in Schleswig-Holstein have been using the Alarm Dispatcher System with deployment monitor, dispatch, alarm announcement and app. Increasingly, the comrades also use the web meeting tool for online services and board and management meetings, as well as the calendar function in the app.
In addition to our app and the deployment monitors in front of each vehicle, the Helmstedt Fire Department also uses building control via Alarm Dispatcher Control as well as information about co-alarmed forces. We maintain close contact with the fire department management and regularly receive new suggestions for improvement, which are then tested directly.
In Jonsdorf, located in the Zittau Mountains, we have been alerting more than 20 comrades since 2019. The operation monitors in the locker room and vehicle hall provide clarity about the best approach route as well as the available emergency forces and improve coordination before moving out.
Since November 2018, the fire department has been using the Alarm Dispatcher Monitor and Printer. In Aue, the vehicles are not displayed according to a stored alarm and release order, but on the basis of the specific alarm issued by the control center for each vehicle. In addition, the individual fire department deployment plan is displayed for focal objects.
The 150 firefighters of the Bad Liebenzell fire department in 7 local fire departments benefit from the planning reliability when it comes to whether enough forces are deployed at the individual locations. With 130 deployments in the introductory year, the firefighters were well occupied and were able to leave the test phase after just a few days to go live.
As our pilot fire department, the Freiberg Volunteer Fire Department with its three local fire departments had a significant influence on the development. At the same time, the alarm dispatcher box there represents one of two base stations for the district of Central Saxony, via which smaller fire departments could be connected cost-effectively.
The Wolfsburg Volunteer Fire Department has been relying on Alarm Dispatcher since 2019, and the Wolfsburg-Helmstedt control center since May 2020. With the control center monitor, dispatchers can see at a glance whether enough volunteers have committed to a mission and, in case of doubt, can issue a follow-up alert more quickly. There are elements on the monitor that were developed directly for dispatchers.
Equipping an entire community: to mark the opening of a new appliance room in 2019, the Muldestausee Volunteer Fire Department in Saxony-Anhalt also equipped all of its other 9 appliance rooms with alarm dispatcher systems and has since mastered many operations with monitors and app information.
In Leipzig, we have won a volunteer fire department with a high annual number of operations as a customer that places particular value on the high availability and preventive error detection of the Alarm Dispatcher system. Due to a direct control center connection, the app triggering is particularly fast here.
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